Monday, November 19, 2007

Guess who’s back!

Yes, I know that nobody is going to be reading this due to the fact that it has been over a month and a half since I blogged, but I thought I would surprise some of you!

A few thoughts.

1. It is really pissing me off that it is 80 degrees on November 19th.
2. Aside from the fights Jessica and I have, I love Christmas!
3. I already have our Christmas lights up on the house.
4. My new favorite Starbucks drink is a Peppermint Mocha!
5. Nathan and I are “experts” in exterior illumination!
6. I look forward to my weekend with Lowell.
7. OU is going to get their a$$ kicked this weekend!
8. But we still love them.
9. I miss my Grandpa around the holidays.
10. I love driving around looking at Christmas lights with Jessica.
11. I truly think the The Office is the best show in TV.
12. I am nervous about pulling this months QA Audits.
13. Jessica and I are going to get through Christmas again this year without putting anything on the Credit Card!
14. It helps to start saving in June!
15. Our house looks cool with Christmas lights on it.
16. I enjoy being “Pedro” in Bible Hour.
17. I love my Chuck Norris Total Gym. It helps with my roundhouse kicking abilities!
18. I miss my Grandma’s chicken and dressing at Thanksgiving.
19. Jessica and I have AWESOME friends! (you know who you all are)!
20. I have GREAT employees!

That is it for today!
I promise to be a better blogger in the future!


Tr3y said...

Church Norris huh?? Never heard of him....

John said...

Eat me